Teachout Security Solutions


Capitol Digest: Guns in cars at workplace OK under bill; end of student paddling sought. Senate OKs guns-at-work bill

Legislation that would prohibit Texas employers from banning their employees from bringing guns to work, as long as they leave them stored in their locked vehicles in the parking lot, was approved Tuesday by the state Senate.

Senate Bill 321 by Sens. Glenn Hegar, R-Katy, and Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury, would prohibit employers from adopting policies that keep employees from storing legal firearms or ammunition in their locked vehicles in the employers’ parking lot.

Under current law, companies can prohibit all firearms on their property, even ones that are stored in locked vehicles. Violators can be fired.

Companies would retain the ability to prohibit firearms in their offices and in company vehicles, Hegar said.

Some business organizations, including chemical plant and refinery owners, have opposed the bill because they say it could increase the danger for employees at plant sites.
Under the measure, employers are protected from any liability from a gun incident on their property related to firearms in the parking lot.

The measure now goes to the House for consideration.

Compiled from staff and wire reports.

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