Teachout Security Solutions


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Threat Assessment

New School Year, New Threats?

Ensuring the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff within schools is paramount. This article provides a comprehensive outline of security preparations recommended for schools to mitigate risks and create a secure learning environment.

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managing agitated customers
Threat Assessment

Is Your Company “Customer Focused” or “Enforcement Focused”?

Past interactions with belligerent customers bucking against many store mask policies in 2020, today’s continuing unstable economy, and current inflation have resulted in constant confrontations that often make headlines. Shady shoppers, organized retail crime (ORC) groups, and disgruntled employees continue to take advantage by stalking retail store centers, companies, and corporate personnel nationwide.

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conducting risk assessments
Threat Assessment

Conducting Assessments to Mitigate Risk

By systematically identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential hazards and threats, organizations can implement measures to mitigate risks, thereby safeguarding their assets, employees, reputation, and operational continuity.

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Threat Assessment

Addressing Retail Gang Theft

Retail gang theft poses a significant challenge to the security and profitability of businesses worldwide. This organized form of theft involves coordinated efforts by groups of individuals to steal merchandise from retail establishments, often resulting in substantial financial losses and operational disruptions. In response to this growing threat, retailers must implement comprehensive security measures to safeguard their assets and ensure the safety of employees and customers.

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The Teachout Difference: A Caring Response

We measure the success of our teams based on the types of interventions performed. In many companies today, security support can be fragmented with stakeholders from different divisions competing for the same limited resources. The task for many is to “hire quality security at a significant savings” which undervalues its impact and begins resourcing discussions

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