Teachout Security Solutions


“Fore” the Kids

Teachout Security Solutions is pleased to share with you our humble experience helping kids of the greater Flint (Michigan) area as a presenting sponsor of the 14th Annual Drive to Make a Difference Golf Outing.

This year’s event took place July 18 at the Jewel in Grand Blanc, benefiting the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint. As you can see by the pictures, the day was filled with fun, frivolity and friendship.

But our partnership with the club goes far beyond the greens.

Behind our tough motto of “Protecting Your World,” Teachout Security Solutions has soft heart for, and long track record of working to bring bright futures to the area’s most disadvantaged youth.

Our relationship with the Boys and Girls Club began more than a decade ago, when thieves broke into the computer lab and stole all of the club’s new computers. Then-Executive Director Jamie Gaskin approached Teachout for help, asking how much it would cost to perform patrol stops at the club a couple times a night as a deterrent.

After hearing the story, we decided to have our Road Supervisors stop by nightly and check the grounds – at no charge. We have been providing these site inspections every day since, at no cost and with tremendous success.

Also since that time, Teachout President and CEO Joe Cozart became more acquainted with Jamie and the club’s work in the community. And within the first year, Cozart was asked to serve on the club’s Board of Directors.

“To be honest, at the time I did not really realize what ‘serving on the board’ would entail,” Cozart recalls. “Needless to say, I fell in love with the good work that the club was doing and the numerous opportunities it offers the youth of our community. My parents raised me with a good understanding of “giving back” when I could and I felt this was a good opportunity for the company to “give back” to the city of our founding and where we are still based.”

Cozart has since served on the board in numerous capacities, including as a past president and remains a proud member.

Like many other places, Flint faces social and economic issues which leave kids without safe havens to learn and grow. The Boys and Girls Club provides a safe environment where kids can perform activities without fear. The club’s programs encompass sports, arts, music, reading and homework help as well as a staffed and monitored computer lab. But the learning goes far beyond work and play. Character building and leadership development are the cornerstones of the club and its success.

One of Cozart’s biggest thrills of being involved with the club is summer field trips. The club has taken kids on 47 different field trips this summer alone, including career exploration with supervised visits to five Universities and Colleges.

“It is amazing, as many of the kids have never been outside of the city of Flint,” Cozart says. “As adults I think we sometimes take for granted how much we value structure in our lives, unfortunately for some or maybe many of our club members, the club is the only structure they consistently experience. It is an overwhelming feeling to know that we are providing such opportunities.”

The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint serves more than 1,800 kids from 7-17 years of age in Flint and the surrounding areas – around 300 kids per day after school, and as many as 500 per day during the summer. All at a cost of just $10 per year.

Cozart believes business owners have a responsibility to give back whenever possible to any charity or organization that help the less fortunate in our communities. And he encourages everyone, especially businesses to open their checkbooks and offer support to the Boys and Girls Club. He cites Luke 12:48 which says, “After all, from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

“I have seen firsthand the good things the club does for our youth and the positive impact we have on our members,” Cozart adds. “If we do not open our hearts and checkbooks to help the youth of our communities who will?”

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