Teachout Security Solutions


Increased Hospital Violence and a Program to Manage It

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in an article published in December of 2021, assaults against healthcare staff has increased 67%. The belief is this is attributable to Covid-19 and the stress on the healthcare system it has caused. Between the high volume of patients and the very low staffing levels in many hospitals, the stress on staff and the patients is likely responsible for driving these numbers up.

Teachout Security Solutions developed a proprietary program in 1997 that has proven over time to reduce assaults in hospitals by 50%. That program is Managing Agitated Patients (MAP). The ASIS International Healthcare Security Council published a whitepaper that included research on MAP and validated the reduction in incidents.

There are five key components to MAP. The first is Absolute Customer Focus. Many healthcare security teams have an enforcement orientation. MAP explains to the security team and clinicians that most of the people they are fighting with in hospitals are not bad people; they are simply having a bad day- sometimes, the worst day of their life. Our focus is on taking care of everyone who enters the facility.

The second element is de-escalation. MAP has a de-escalation model that is extremely effective. It has been proven repeatedly to work. Again, it is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of people and giving them options that can prevent use of force or restraints.

The third piece of MAP is an effective takedown technique that keeps everyone safe including the subject who is acting out. Code words are used so the team knows when to move from de-escalation to physical management. Then, a distraction is used, and the team takes control of the subject in a very effective and safe way.

The fourth element is designed to allow a clinician to defend themselves in the event they are attacked unexpectedly. Techniques are taught that allow the clinician to stun the subject and escape the attack.

The final piece is recovery. It is getting the subject back on track so they can receive the treatment they came to the hospital for.

The program is tested and proven extremely effective in real world environments. It reduces incidents, injuries, and litigation.

Our healthcare security officers are trained in MAP, and we provide this training to healthcare professionals. Let us help your healthcare facility benefit from this proven program. Call us today at 800-747-0755.

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