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Hacker Group Posts Arizona Police Documents

A group of hackers that has claimed attacks on websites run by the U.S. Senate and the Central Intelligence Agency posted a cache of documents from Arizona police, calling it a protest against a controversial state law.

On Thursday, Lulz Security posted files labeled as training manuals, emails, intelligence documents and other material that it says it poached from the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

LulzSec, as the group commonly refers to itself, said the posting of the documents was a protest of Arizona’s SB1070, controversial state legislation that critics say is anti-immigration. The key provision of the law has been frozen because of legal challenges.

“We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona,” LulzSec said in a release. “Hackers of the world are uniting and taking direct action against our common oppressors—the government, corporations, police, and militaries of the world.”

Spokesman Steve Harrison of the Arizona agency said the documents appeared to be authentic and said LulzSec most likely accessed them via the email accounts of eight officers.

“Our IT people are looking at this, trying to determine how this breach was made and how to stop it,” Mr. Harrison said. He added that Arizona authorities had received a tip about the hack, but didn’t provide details.

The hack comes amid a six-week-long spree of digital break-ins that has seen LulzSec target public and private entities both large and small. Targets have included Japanese media-and-technology giant Sony Corp., the Atlanta chapter of Federal Bureau of Investigation affiliate InfraGard and public broadcaster PBS.

Many of the Arizona documents appear to be routine. They include bulletins on wanted suspects from previous years, copies of court filings and a list of street terms for illegal drugs. The documents also include email correspondence and bulletins from other departments and agencies, including a warning about possible retaliatory terrorist attacks following the early May killing of Osama bin Laden.

LulzSec didn’t respond to a request for comment via their Twitter feed.

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