Teachout Security Solutions


Professional Security Tailored to Your World

As the identity in security provider options continues to evolve, many organizations find themselves looking for stability, professionalism, and honesty.  Like many industries, the contract security industry has witnessed “mega” companies and private equity groups gobble up security companies.  Next, they often throw some paint on the package, publish some marketing material and force users to deal with their “cookie cutter” programs.  Some organizations now find themselves wondering what happened, and why- after three days of an officer being late or even a no show- they have only heard excuses or worse yet, no response at all. Some are determining that bigger does not always mean better.  Many find themselves longing for the days when companies took commitments seriously and a missed shift was the exception, not the everyday rule.

For 40 years, Teachout Security has prided itself on its support and commitment to their customers.  For years, Teachout has served the Mid-Michigan market, providing uniformed security officers and private investigators. Over time, the company has expanded beyond the borders of the state but has always remained true to their commitments and their clients.

With a professional uniformed, and well-trained staff, Teachout focuses on providing reliability and the value of a true partnership complimented by comprehensive security solutions to meet individual customer needs. Teachout Security’s President and Owner, Joe Cozart, says he is proud of the fact that many on his executive and management teams possess degrees and professional security credentials from the largest education and credentialing bodies in the industry.  Cozart has personally promoted and supported the efforts of his staff to earn professional credentials, improve their knowledge, their skills, and themselves, thereby increasing the value they bring to Teachout and their clients. This is just one of the many areas that have continued to set Teachout Security apart from their competition.

If you find yourself experiencing the first-hand challenges of a recent acquisition or merger, you may be interested or longing for a company to focus on YOUR needs and goals. Teachout Security has been tested and proven to be a viable alternative option for professional contract security support and real solutions. Having a no cost conversation with Teachout Security could be the biggest return on investment you will have this year.

Call 1-800-747-0755