Teachout Security Solutions


Covid-19 Vaccine Security Considerations

Several pharmaceutical companies have risen to the challenge of bringing a Covid-19 vaccine to market in record time. The question is whether health care professionals are prepared to properly handle and dispense the vaccine.

On October 29, 2020, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published the “COVID-19 Vaccination Program – Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations – Version 2.0,” a 75-page overview of the requirements for the safe distribution, handling, and storage of this new vaccine. The Playbook makes it clear that security is one of the prime concerns covering all aspects of the rollout of these new weapons in the fight against this disease.

Not only is the public anxious to receive this immunization, but the vaccine will also have significant value on the black market. Some groups may attempt to disrupt distribution or destroy stockpiles of the vaccine. At this point, a large part of the discussion surrounding transporting the vaccine has included the use of the military, primarily the National Guard. Distribution points are of great concern as they could likely draw large crowds wanting to receive the vaccine as well as demonstrators and counterdemonstrators. Prudent management of the entire process, to include working with the military, will be essential for success. Many variables will come into play surrounding secure storage with secured power, battery backup and built-in redundancy. Currently, it appears each vaccine will have its own unique storage requirements.

Teachout Security is prepared to handle every contingency around the management, rollout, and delivery of these vaccines; however, time is of the essence. Our leadership team includes four Board Certified Healthcare Protection Administrators, two Board Certified Healthcare Emergency Professionals, and two Board Certified Healthcare Safety Professionals. For the overall physical security requirements, Teachout offers five Board Certified Protection Professionals and two Board Certified Physical Security Professionals to manage and mitigate whatever security issue may arise. We are confident in our abilities, but success begins with proper planning. Waiting until the vaccine arrives to plan, is no plan and will not be good for anyone.

No matter what your security issues are, Teachout Security has got you covered. Contact us today to see how we can help you!

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