Teachout Security Solutions


Saying thanks to our team of heroes

In these past few months, we have been especially grateful for our team. They have gone above and beyond during what has been a very difficult time for many people, organizations, companies and communities. We’re so thankful for all of our staff who made the tough choice to serve our clients instead of sheltering in place with their families, especially those who worked in the healthcare division.

In Flint, Rahjon Southall went above and beyond to provide access control and enforce COVID policies at the hospital to keep staff and patients safe. Healthcare officers Jeff Donnelly, Angela Barnes, Diaz Graves, Nicholas Platte and Alex Martin, among others, worked to keep Michigan hospitals safe and volunteered to work additional hours as hospitals around the state increased their security staffing.

Other Post-Some of our employees provided services above and beyond typical security functions. Just recently, one of our officers, Jason Sherk, helped to talk down a patient at the hospital where he was working, encouraging them to seek treatment for the mental health struggles they were dealing with.-19 predictions from Vox:

We also want to give our dispatch team a shout out: Jordan Paull, Justin Villani, Shelby Orr, Markayla Clements, Jenny Welch, and Stacey Matthews. Thank you for maintaining a high standard of service and assisting officers and clients in the middle of implementing a new software system.

At the same time Teachout has had some internal growth well worth celebrating. In June, Tracy Marsh was promoted to Director Of Special Projects. Her former role as the Detroit Branch Manager was taken over by team member George Fearson.

Through it all, our team members have given us bright spots to celebrate, too. For example, in April our Director of Operations Bart Bennett was named as one of Birch Run High School’s top five athletes since 2000. We’re always proud to recognize such achievements by our team, even outside of their scope of work.

With a strong belief that it is people who make Teachout so special, it is clear that our entire family of employees who focus on their day-to-day work, whether from home, onsite, or in our offices, is deserving of many thanks.

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