Teachout Security Solutions


Security Brief – November 2023


We are now witnessing massive protests nationwide and globally to support the Palestinians and even Hamas. These protests call for continued violence against the Jewish community and those nations that support Israel. Over the past few weeks, protests in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and other cities have drawn thousands of marchers supporting the Palestinians and Hamas. Many of these protests have turned violent, with clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli factions. Jewish students on many college campuses in the U.S. have been assaulted or trapped in buildings, unable to leave because of fear of harm from those protesters waiting outside. The security community must work quickly to prepare for an escalation in frequency and violence.


The Palestinian question has long been an issue for securing peace in the Middle East. This situation has been in flux since the mid-nineteen forties after establishing the Jewish State of Israel. On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas attacked Israel on its southern border, firing rockets and invading with armed terrorists. What followed was the massacre of innocent men, women, and children and the taking of over one hundred hostages. The following Friday, October 13, 2023, a senior member of Hamas declared a “Day of Outrage and Jihad” worldwide. His message was that all Muslims must bring violence to Israel and the United States worldwide. Protests and violence have erupted around the world.

Current Threat

We have all witnessed the lack of security on our southern border with Mexico. The number of those being allowed to enter our country illegally is staggering. The nationalities of those crossing our southern border are no longer from Mexico and South America. Many stopped and identified have been from China and several MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa). Since the Biden administration took office, 264 migrants stopped on our southern border attempting to enter the United States were on the terrorist watch list (2023, U.S. CBP). What should be more concerning is that during this same period, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported that 1.5 million have entered our country and are categorized as “getaways.” Getaways are those individuals who have entered illegally but were never stopped or identified by Customs and Border Patrol. These “getaways” pose a severe threat to our national security.


  • Security managers must consider an increasingly volatile society and the possibility of terrorist attacks such as suicide bombers and other lone-wolf actors.
  • Soft targets such as public events, meeting spaces, and shopping malls must actively increase situational awareness.
  • Security personnel are the frontline of defense against such attacks. The quality and types of training that should be provided to security guards must evolve quickly.
  • Training should include reading body language, tradecraft behavior, vigilance for unattended packages, and other unusual things in their environments.
  • A heightened sense of awareness at vulnerable access points should also be stressed.

As security professionals, we watch the events occurring around the globe. Many of these events significantly impact the security of our nation and our way of life. Security professionals are tasked with maintaining the safety and security of facilities, personnel, and communities. Meeting these challenges is a fluid and dynamic process.

Author: Michael Morgan M.A. Doctoral Candidate, Teachout Security Solutions Training & Corporate Compliance Officer

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