Teachout Security Solutions


Teachout Leadership Team Attends IAHSS Conference

Photo left to right: Allen Honeycutt, Joe Cozart, Bart Bennett, Terry Jones

The Teachout Security Solutions Team attended the International Association of Healthcare Safety and Security Conference and Exhibition in Nashville, TN earlier this month.

The purpose of the conference is to continue shaping and advocating for the role of security and safety in healthcare. Leveraging the expertise of top subject matter experts in the field, Teachout’s Vice President Terry Jones and Director of Operations Bart Bennett both proctored the CHPA Certification tests throughout the event.

Also representing Teachout Security were President/CEO Joe Cozart and Quality Control Manager Allen Honeycutt.

One of the security solutions presented at the Teachout exhibit booth was our risk assessment software that assesses, analyzes, monitors, and manages a company’s physical risk profile.  It is a unique and easy way for organizations to assess all the various risk scenarios to help them optimize risk strategies for the greatest risk reduction and ROI.

Healthcare workers are more likely to be subjected to workplace violence than any other industry. The ongoing education and training that Teachout administers play a significant role in mitigating, preparing, responding, and recovering from the emergencies that threaten our clients in healthcare organizations. The training provided by our staff also benefits our Healthcare security officers with the tactical challenges within the scope of their shifts as well.

Providing a safe and secure environment for patients, staff and visitors involves a wide range of security measures.  The Teachout Security Team is always looking for ways to improve and implement security solutions that enhance workplace safety and secure patient care.  Call on the experts. Email info@teachoutsecurity.com or call  (800) 747-0755.

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