Teachout Security Solutions


The Fallacy of Low Price

If you need to buy 10,000 pencils, the price may be the determining factor once you specify the size and whether they need erasers or not.

When you need to purchase services, the process is much more complex. Would you hire a computer expert who just finished high school? They may be less expensive, but would you trust your data to someone with so little experience?

When you are buying security services, the ability of the company is far more important than the price.

Security companies come in a variety of experience, quality, and ability levels. When selecting a firm, it is critical that you assess the differences. If you are driven by price alone, you will choose the low-bidder and likely get inexperienced, untrained officers. That may be okay if you merely need someone to watch your parking lot, but if you truly need a professional security officer, the price cannot be the only determining factor.

Recently, a group of hospitals in Michigan put out a bid for security with price as the only factor. They hired the lowest bidder. Now, they have seen an increase in incidents, unprofessional performance, and a variety of uniforms which makes the security “team” look bad. This does not reflect well on the hospitals and the hospitals in the group have experienced a reduction in revenue that exceeds the savings they made through the bid process for security.

Each member of the Teachout leadership team started as an officer, demonstrated their ability, and grew with the company. We know the industry from the ground up. We know how to mitigate risks, respond to incidents, and provide great customer service that often helps reduce incidents.

As for quality, who is leading the firm you are choosing? Many companies have former police officers as owners. One issue with that is security is not law enforcement. Police officers are often reactive in nature, yet successful security programs must be proactive. A quality security company will provide great service to you, your organization, and your guests. They will provide professional, trained officers who can properly respond to a crisis. These same officers often reduce incidents and improve your team’s perception of your organization by providing great service during difficult times.

Finally, what are the abilities of your security provider? Are they subject matter experts or just some people in the security business? Do they practice risk mitigation or simply send you a person in uniform? Are they industry leaders, or just another security company?

As for expertise, Teachout Security Solutions has more credentialed leaders than any firm in Michigan. The top credential in the security industry is the Certified Protection Professional (CPP), a credential conferred by ASI International. Teachout has six CPPs, just over 5% of the CPPs in Michigan. ASIS International also has Physical Security Professional (PSP) and Professional Certified Investigator (PCI) credentials.

There is an elite group of people ASIS International calls Triple Crowns who hold all three credentials. There are five Triple Crowns in Michigan; two of them are Teachout leaders.

In the healthcare security world, Teachout is Michigan’s industry leader with three Certified Healthcare Protection Administrators (CHPA), and one person who is a Certified Healthcare Safety Professional (CHSP) and Certified Healthcare Emergency Professional (CHEP). ASIS International’s Healthcare Security Council published a whitepaper, which validated a 50% reduction in incidents using the Teachout Model.

What began as an investigation firm in 1982, today Teachout Security Solutions provides security officer services, consulting, training, as well as investigations. We are uniquely positioned and welcome the opportunity to share our experience, higher quality, and abilities.

Teachout Security Solutions is the industry leader. Why would you settle for less?

Call 1-800-747-0755