Teachout Security Solutions


The Right Stuff: Proper Due Diligence in the Hiring Process

The great German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” In other words, you are known by the company you keep. Nowhere is this truer than when you are staffing your enterprise. You have to fill a position. You are going to spend time, money, and other resources training the person you eventually hire with the hope that they will prove to be a valuable asset to the organization. Their resume looks good, but how do you really know if what you see is what you are going to get? You have to do your due diligence and check them out; but where are you going to find the time to do that?

We receive calls at Teachout Security asking if we can perform a pre-employment check on an applicant. Of course, we can! That is one of the many services we provide through Teachout Credential Solutions. As a licensed and insured investigation agency, Teachout provides professional, accurate, and timely background investigation services.

Automated Background Investigative Services

Security in the work environment is of the utmost importance today. Allowing someone in your workplace with a criminal history could put everyone at risk. Our automated background investigation service places this vital information in your hands before an applicant steps foot in the door of your business. Our process uses multiple and reputable databases and register services to compile the information that you need. Results are delivered directly to you in a fraction of the time of a traditional background investigation, validating the information on the application and resume before you ever consider inviting the applicant in for an interview. This information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Social Security trace verifying that a Social Security number is valid
  • Driving History and validation of the status of the applicant’s driver license
  • Eviction Database to check for evictions and judgments
  • Workers Compensation database for claims filed
  • Criminal History for the past seven years at county, state, and federal level
  • Education Records verified for dates of attendance, completion, and degrees
  • Previous Employment verified for dates, title, performance, and other information
  • Professional License verification shows status of any disciplinary action.

We also offer customized services for applicants for positions requiring a deeper knowledge of the applicant’s reputation and character. These include:

  • Personal and Professional References Check
  • References developed through interviews of business and/or personal contacts
  • Social media multi-platform profile
  • Civil Litigation search of applicable civil court records
  • Fraud & Abuse Control Information System (FACIS®) search

International investigations can also be conducted through pre-qualified information sources around the world.

Drug Tests and Fingerprinting

Teachout Credential Solutions provides drug testing assistance for our clients’ applicants. Results are sent through the online system with standard 24 to 72-hour turnaround. All drug-testing rates include a medical review officer to review any positive results to verify that all prescription drugs detected are being taken by an applicant under a doctor’s supervision.

Our fingerprinting services will provide employers with background information on all applicants, ensuring there is no criminal history with new hires in order to maintain a safe and secure working environment. We offer easy-to-schedule appointments with our State Certified Technician for Live Scan fingerprints for an individual or groups and offer state-of-the-art Cross Match Guardian technology with 500 dpi FBI certified slaps and ten fingerprint instant recognition. This mobile solution allows us to provide fingerprinting services at our headquarters or at a client’s site. Prints are processed immediately after the appointment with most results sent within 48-72 hours directly to the license holder. Accuracy is assured with prints processed through both the State of Michigan and FBI databases.

When you need to hire someone in whom you can have confidence, give us a call. We will help you find that person who has the Right Stuff.

Call 1-800-747-0755