Teachout Security Solutions


Thinking of Strike Security?

Let LAMP light the way.

Strike security services are a critical component of securing your facilities and protecting employees prior to and during labor disputes. Teachout’s Labor Action Management Program (LAMP) combines over 40 years of experience to help you minimize the risks and threats inherent in strike situations.

Our comprehensive LAMP program includes:

  • Pro-active management of picket lines
  • Asset and property protection
  • Logistics/freight management protection
  • Unparalleled command and control structure
  • Executive protection
  • Risk assessment and evaluation

Strike Security Analysis

During a labor dispute, there are added threats an organization could encounter that pose additional risks. To help minimize these risks, a security assessment involves:

  • Assessing the nature of entry and exit areas at your facility
  • Determining the vulnerable areas of your site and surrounding area
  • Helps you actively monitor and manage the risk of multiple scenarios
  • Reduce liability and costs to protect your brand, employees, and assets

The right plan… the right people… the right outcome.

Learn more about the Teachout Security Solutions LAMP program.  Let us help you develop a process of developing comprehensive strike contingency plans.  We guarantee your business will continue its critical functions during any labor dispute.  Contact our Business Development Team at 1-800-747-0755 or info@teachoutsecurity.com.

Call 1-800-747-0755