Teachout Security Solutions


Who Are You Going to Call?

It is not news that we live in a litigious society. According to Statista.com, a leading provider of market and consumer data, there are about 1.3 million lawyers in the United States. While not all of them are looking to sue somebody, the fact is there are millions of lawsuits filed every year in state and federal courts. Risk management has become a top priority for every business owner or service provider. You have to know with whom you are doing business, who you are hiring, and what the competition is doing. Who can you call to provide the world-class investigative services you need to avoid trouble?

Teachout Security Solutions’ investigative division, B.K. Teachout Investigations, has been providing professional investigative services since 1981. They have the expertise and experience to handle any investigative assignment. Many of our investigators have prior undercover or law enforcement experience and are able to provide in-depth risk assessment, develop physical security protocols, and conduct the due diligence investigations necessary for you to make the best decisions for you and your enterprise.

Risk identification and security management are at the core of our objectives. We focus on the protection of your employees, assets, facilities and reputation. Some of the types of investigations that we have successfully completed include:

  • accident reconstruction
  • liability investigations
  • forensic accounts and digital records validation
  • background and reference checks
  • Workers Compensation investigations
  • mergers and acquisition due diligence
  • asset theft investigations
  • mortgage fraud
  • covert surveillance systems
  • subpoena service

Teachout conducts all investigations with extremely high professional and ethical standards. We always comply with the law and recognize that our reputation, as well as the reputation of our client, is of utmost importance. We fully cooperate and work with local, state, and federal law enforcement whenever it becomes necessary.

Knowledge is power. Let Teachout’s experienced and professional investigative team gather the knowledge you need to protect your assets, your company, and yourself. We’ve got your back.

Call 1-800-747-0755