Teachout Security Solutions


Hiring Due Dilligence, Industry, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment, Training Security Teams

Concierge Security Service: First Line of Defense

admin on March 16, 2020 0 Comments

Does your security at access control points implement X-ray and metal detector technology? You may be surprised that X-ray equipment is not a comprehensive solution. In 1970, x-ray screening of carry-on bags was implemented in airports to increase aviation security (Szyliowicz., & Zamparini, 2018). After the attacks on September 11, 2001, aviation security was restructured.

Threat Assessment

Security During a Strike

admin on February 17, 2020 0 Comments

The violent birth pangs of organized labor in the late 19th and early 20th century often resulted in heavy damage to facilities and injuries, sometimes death, to those who were protesting for worker’s rights. The infamous “Ford Massacre” in March 1932 resulted in 5 deaths and 60 injuries when Ford Motor Company’s Chief of Security, […]

Advice, Threat Assessment

Physical Security for Your Place of Worship

admin on December 11, 2019 0 Comments

We at Teachout Security Solutions would like to take this moment to wish you and yours a joyous and safe holiday season. One of the favorite things that our friends and family like to do this time of year are go to a local church that is famous for its choir and listen to a […]

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