Teachout Security Solutions


Advice, Emergency Planning, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment

Home Security 101

admin on March 18, 2024 0 Comments

Does your security at access control points implement X-ray and metal detector technology? You may be surprised that X-ray equipment is not a comprehensive solution. In 1970, x-ray screening of carry-on bags was implemented in airports to increase aviation security (Szyliowicz., & Zamparini, 2018). After the attacks on September 11, 2001, aviation security was restructured.

Onsite Security, Threat Assessment, Training Security Teams

X-Ray Machine Limitations in Security

admin on February 11, 2024 0 Comments

Does your security at access control points implement X-ray and metal detector technology? You may be surprised that X-ray equipment is not a comprehensive solution. In 1970, x-ray screening of carry-on bags was implemented in airports to increase aviation security (Szyliowicz., & Zamparini, 2018). After the attacks on September 11, 2001, aviation security was restructured.

Industry, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment

Ensuring Accountability in Your Security Plan

admin on February 8, 2024 0 Comments

Building a comprehensive security plan that is customized to your specific needs is what we do every day. Security isn’t a one-size-fits-all application. Your challenges, your needs, and the accountability to get the job done are our highest priority. Introducing TrackTik, the leading security workforce software system that will help you manage your security by

Emergency Planning, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment

Thinking of Strike Security?

admin on September 15, 2023 0 Comments

Let LAMP light the way. Strike security services are a critical component of securing your facilities and protecting employees prior to and during labor disputes. Teachout’s Labor Action Management Program (LAMP) combines over 40 years of experience to help you minimize the risks and threats inherent in strike situations. Our comprehensive LAMP program includes: Pro-active

Emergency Planning, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment, Training Security Teams

Teachout Leadership Team Attends IAHSS Conference

admin on May 19, 2023 0 Comments

The Teachout Security Solutions Team attended the International Association of Healthcare Safety and Security Conference and Exhibition in Nashville, TN earlier this month. The purpose of the conference is to continue shaping and advocating for the role of security and safety in healthcare. Leveraging the expertise of top subject matter experts in the field,

Onsite Security, Threat Assessment

Protecting the Healthcare Front Line

admin on May 10, 2023 0 Comments

According to a recent survey on healthcare worker safety, one of the top concerns for healthcare workers was the increasing rate of patients becoming agitated and violent. This problem appears to be the result of the forced isolation inflicted upon us by the recent coronavirus pandemic. Many healthcare workers, especially nurses, are seeing an uptick

Investigation Services, News, Onsite Security

Seasoned Security

admin on July 21, 2022 0 Comments

Teachout Security Has More Than 40 Years In Professional Security There are quite a few listings when you look up the topic of “security services.” Many of them seem to have the same menu of offerings when it comes to defining just what those services are. So how do you differentiate? You could choose

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