Teachout Security Solutions


Don’t Think Your Business Needs Security?

Think Again.

All too often, we hear from business owners in a state of panic because their business has just had its first security incident. They’re worried and frustrated and want to do what it takes to protect their business, employees, and customers from further harm.

New businesses and those who have never had a security issue may underestimate the importance of having a robust security plan. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t act until they’ve already become a victim.

At Teachout Security Solutions, we encourage business owners to work with a reliable security company they can trust from the start. By being proactive, business owners can be aware of their greatest security vulnerabilities and confident in the security processes they have in place.

If you think your business doesn’t need security, here are five reasons why hiring a high-quality security team could be one of the best business decisions you’ve ever made

  1. High-volume of visitors

Businesses that experience high numbers of people in and out are at a higher risk of property theft, vandalism, loitering, and physical assaults. A dedicated security detail can help you manage your access points to ensure people are entering and exiting in an orderly fashion.

  1. Increases in crime in the area

Hire security officers to perform live guard patrols or to stand guard at your entrances. Surveillance devices can also deter a would-be thief from attempting to target your property.

  1. Protecting your employees

Remote security devices act as a second set of eyes to identify suspicious activity that could put your employees in harm’s way. Security officers can accompany your employees to their vehicles to ensure that they feel safe and secure and that your liability is reduced.

  1. You operate a large parking area

Parking lots can put the security of your customers and employees at risk. Security analytics can signal human and vehicle detection. Security guards can perform random and scheduled patrols to address issues right away.

  1. You serve alcohol on site

High emotions, paired with too much alcohol, can result in physical and verbal altercations and other tense situations that could put people’s safety at risk.

Can’t happen to you?

We hope not, but why risk it?

Teachout Security Solutions has been providing expert security services to businesses since 1981. We have more credentialed leaders than any firm in Michigan. Contact our team today and find out why we are leaders in the security industry. Call us at 800-747-0755 or email info@teachoutsecurity.com.

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