Teachout Security Solutions


Risk Management Equals Peace of Mind


The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks
followed by coordinated and economical application of resources
to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of
unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.

This starts with the identification of the risk. Risk comes in many different forms. There are the obvious common risks that every business owner faces like theft or damage of real property, inventory, and proprietary information. Retail theft can be curtailed by the use of electronic tags on merchandise, security cameras, and uniformed and plain clothes security personnel. But what about the risk of hiring the wrong person? Having someone on your staff with an undisclosed criminal background or moral defect could cost you your business. This is a risk that could easily be mitigated by a thorough background investigation.

At Teachout Security Solutions, we sit down with our clients and help them discover and evaluate their business risks. We then walk them through our proprietary risk evaluation and mitigation process. This helps them determine how serious the risk is and which security offering is the best deterrent. It also helps them determine what level of security they need. For instance, will 24-hour video monitoring provide adequate protection for your facility, or do you also need periodic patrols by security officers? Will the presence of uniformed security officers serve as an effective deterrent, or do they need to be armed? Your Teachout Security specialist will educate you on the risk vs reward aspects of your unique security requirements and guide you on how to realize the most effective return for your security budget.

Teachout Security is the only full-service security provider with the experience and expertise to provide you with a custom security package that fits your budget. Call a Teachout Security professional today at 800-747-0755 or email info@teachoutsecurity.com and schedule a comprehensive security analysis and recommendations from our highly trained security professionals.

We’ll provide you with something money can’t buy… peace of mind.

Call 1-800-747-0755