Teachout Security Solutions


How Safe Is Your Workplace?

Workplace shootings seem to occur with increasing frequency these days. And when they do, it’s blasted all over television and social media. The sensational manner of this extreme violence is portrayed as common in today’s work environment, but it is really one of the rarest.

More common are the covert activities that take place in the workplace every day. These activities range from theft to destruction of equipment to sabotaging a fellow worker’s efforts.

We seem to live in an age where company employees no longer think of themselves as members of a team. A job today is just a job. The goal is to expend the least amount of effort required to get a paycheck.

The pressure of conforming to this groupthink can sometimes cause aberrant behavior. Offhand comments can lead to physical confrontation. Feelings of underappreciation may cause justification for theft or damage to company property.

There is also a growing problem with workers in a company being paid by a competitor for proprietary information or trade secrets.

If you are experiencing threats like this or want some assurances that you won’t, contact Teachout Security Solutions at (800) 747-0755 or info@teachoutsecurity.com. We provide thorough security assessments that can give business owners and managers the assurance that their workplace is safe and secure.

Call 1-800-747-0755