Teachout Security Solutions



Is Workplace Violence an After-Effect of COVID?

In her recent article titled 15 Disturbing Workplace Violence Statistics for 2022,” technology and social commentator Teodora Dobrilova chronicled some of the darker ways in which the pandemic has affected our society. The stress of isolation and uncertainty of the information regarding the disease has caused an uptick in workplace violence in those businesses that continued in-person operations.

More than 2 million people become victims of workplace violence annually over the last few years. The most alarming statistics have come from the healthcare sector.

A study by 911Cellular, a provider of emergency communications software, showed that healthcare workers comprise almost 50% of workplace violence incidents with attacks on medical staff costing hospitals an estimated $53.7 million a year. Doctors and nurses take an average of 112.8 hours off annually at local hospitals due to some sort of job-related violence. This leads to increased levels of stress for the staff that must cover shifts and deal with aggressive patients.

Nurses are attacked more often than doctors because they spend more time with patients. Security magazine recently reported that 70% of emergency nurses have been assaulted on the job over the course of their careers. As of November 2020, 20% of nurses reported an increase in physical attacks against them by patients. Emergency Room doctors also expressed an increased level of stress in their working environment with 47% of them reporting having experienced some sort of violence while working. The result is an increase in stress, depression, burnout, and high levels of job dissatisfaction among healthcare workers.

It is not just the medical profession that has experienced the increased stress in our society. A recent blog on the Legal Jobs website revealed that more than 30,000 women have reported sexual assaults on the job in the last few years. Nearly 15% of people surveyed said that they did not feel safe in their workplace. 7% of fatalities that occurred in the workplace have been a result of hitting, kicking, beating, and/or pushing.

Workplace Violence is a costly affair. Nationwide Insurance estimates that workplace violence results in $130 billion in annual losses.

What can today’s business owners do to mitigate some of that exposure?

The answer is having a comprehensive security plan in place. The experienced professionals at Teachout Security can show you how an effective security component for your business can improve your bottom line by preventing losses and reducing exposure to threats.

Workplace security can take many forms from overt patrols and security cameras to portal sensors and concierge services. Contact Teachout Security today and discover how your workplace can be a safe and productive environment in today’s uncertain world.

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