Teachout Security Solutions


News & Blogs

Emergency Planning

Is School Safety a Matter of Perception?

Michele Gay and Alissa Parker are the mothers of two of the Sandy Hook school shooting victims Josephine Grace Gay and Emilie Parker. They used their personal tragedy to form a national nonprofit safety advocacy and resource center committed to protecting every school and every student every day. A recent report authored by Gay and

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Cybersecurity in the New Workspace

One of the most unexpected aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic was the mass migration from the corporate office to the home workspace. The name for this corporate evolution is “distributed workforce” and it is a growing cybersecurity trend for organizations. The challenge of this new trend is that there is often a significant difference between

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Hiring Due Dilligence

Mitigate Risk With A Professional Security Provider

We live in a time when it seems like crime is on the rise. Tensions are growing and violence, especially in the workplace, is no longer a rare occurrence. Business owners outsourcing security is becoming a necessary cost of doing business. It is important to vet your potential security services provider. What happens if a

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Hiring Due Dilligence

The Fallacy of Low Price

If you need to buy 10,000 pencils, the price may be the determining factor once you specify the size and whether they need erasers or not. When you need to purchase services, the process is much more complex. Would you hire a computer expert who just finished high school? They may be less expensive, but

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Hiring Due Dilligence

Is Armed Security a Viable Option?

The workplace is a common site of hostilities, with approximately 2 million Americans falling victim to workplace violence each year. The presence of firearms is not always the answer as it can escalate situations far more than they would have needed to be. However, in today’s world, there are places that should have armed security.

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Hiring Due Dilligence

Drawing from the Same Pool of Candidates

The Teachout Difference “Drawing from the same pool of candidates” is a term we have heard many times over the years In the contract security world. At first glance, it makes sense to many when looking at the available options for a contract security provider. Putting a person in a uniform to fill a post

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