Teachout Security Solutions


Emergency Planning, Hiring Due Dilligence, Threat Assessment

Risk Management Equals Peace of Mind

admin on October 31, 2022 0 Comments

RISK MANAGEMENT (noun) The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. This starts with the identification of the risk. Risk comes in many different forms. There are the obvious

Emergency Planning, Threat Assessment


admin on September 19, 2022 0 Comments

No two words have ever conjured up more fear and panic than the announcement that an armed individual is attempting to randomly kill people in an area nearby. They are totally unpredictable. One second, everything is quiet and normal. In the next second, the unmistakable crack of gunfire is erupting around you, people are running

Emergency Planning, Threat Assessment

Implementing a Threat Assessment Process in Schools

admin on September 11, 2022 0 Comments

“Prevention must start before there is a gunman at the school door.” ~ Professor Dewey Cornell Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is widely known for its wacky television commercials featuring LiMu the Emu and his inept human cohort Doug, played by actor David Hoffman. What many people do not know is that Liberty Mutual is one

Emergency Planning, Threat Assessment

Protecting Your Children’s Future

admin on August 23, 2022 0 Comments

It’s not enough that Teachout Security is one of the highest qualified security providers in the Midwest. We also have a commitment to be prepared for and overcome any threat that arises in the communities that we serve. On August 2, a leadership team led by President Joe Cozart attended the 3-day Ohio School Safety

Emergency Planning, Threat Assessment


admin on July 26, 2022 0 Comments

Is Workplace Violence an After-Effect of COVID? In her recent article titled 15 Disturbing Workplace Violence Statistics for 2022,” technology and social commentator Teodora Dobrilova chronicled some of the darker ways in which the pandemic has affected our society. The stress of isolation and uncertainty of the information regarding the disease has caused an uptick

Emergency Planning, News

Covid-19 Vaccine Security Considerations

admin on November 25, 2020 0 Comments

Several pharmaceutical companies have risen to the challenge of bringing a Covid-19 vaccine to market in record time. The question is whether health care professionals are prepared to properly handle and dispense the vaccine. On October 29, 2020, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published the “COVID-19 Vaccination Program – Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations

Advice, Emergency Planning, News

Code Green!

admin on October 16, 2019 0 Comments

You are watching an episode of your favorite TV medical drama when the PA system announces “Code Green! Code Green!” All the doctors, nurses, orderlies, administrators, custodians, and security personnel seem to go on autopilot. They all seem to go to where they are supposed to be and to start preparing. Do you ever wonder […]

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