Teachout Security Solutions


Hiring Due Dilligence

Protection Now and Tomorrow: Your Investment in Security

admin on April 12, 2023 0 Comments

In many businesses across the country, discussions are being held around the topic of cutting costs during this period of economic uncertainty. Some items like rent, utilities, materials, and payroll are fixed and can only be adjusted very little if at all. They also have to be paid whether the company meets its sales projections

Hiring Due Dilligence, Threat Assessment

Hiring Employees vs. Independent Contractors

admin on March 13, 2023 0 Comments

There is one question that is almost always asked when we are marketing our services to a prospective client — “Why should I hire you when I can assign security issues to one of my own employees?” We’re glad you asked. Liability and Hiring Issues As you know, a full-time employee comes with some overhead

Hiring Due Dilligence, Training Security Teams

What Sets Teachout Security Solutions Apart?

admin on February 17, 2023 0 Comments

Teachout Security Solutions was founded in 1981 by Bernard K. Teachout, a former Genesee County Sheriff’s Deputy. CEO Joseph Cozart started as an officer for Teachout in 1985 and in 1995 he purchased the company. At that time, Teachout had about 40 officers. Today we have over 400! Since its beginning, Teachout prided itself on

Hiring Due Dilligence, Training Security Teams

The Fallacy of Low Price

admin on December 28, 2022 0 Comments

If you need to buy 10,000 pencils, the price may be the determining factor once you specify the size and whether they need erasers or not. When you need to purchase services, the process is much more complex. Would you hire a computer expert who just finished high school? They may be less expensive, but

Emergency Planning, Hiring Due Dilligence, Threat Assessment

Risk Management Equals Peace of Mind

admin on October 31, 2022 0 Comments

RISK MANAGEMENT (noun) The identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. This starts with the identification of the risk. Risk comes in many different forms. There are the obvious

Hiring Due Dilligence, Training Security Teams

Because Security “Training” Isn’t Enough

admin on August 8, 2022 0 Comments

Crime statistics show that workplace violence is on the rise. Laws have been enacted that require employers to provide a working environment free from recognized hazards. Some insurance carriers are requiring companies to provide security personnel trained in “workplace violence mitigation.” Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), defines workplace violence as: “Any act or threat

Hiring Due Dilligence, Industry, Onsite Security, Threat Assessment, Training Security Teams

Concierge Security Service: First Line of Defense

admin on March 16, 2020 0 Comments

Does your security at access control points implement X-ray and metal detector technology? You may be surprised that X-ray equipment is not a comprehensive solution. In 1970, x-ray screening of carry-on bags was implemented in airports to increase aviation security (Szyliowicz., & Zamparini, 2018). After the attacks on September 11, 2001, aviation security was restructured.

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